Bharatiyan's and Hindustani's

Adulations,Aspirations,Affirmations for a dream.India as the World Super power.The No. 1 Country in the World.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


My dear Lord Sri Ram, Vijaya dasami greetings to you upon conquering Raavana,once more. I salute your brilliance in taming the ten header,year after year.But dear Lord Sri Ram,things in your land of Ayodhya is not sanguine,as it used to be. You the Pious Lord Sri Ram, you must understand the hapless situation in which your '''HIND''' nivasi's has been done in by the Politicians.And he is not alone.In strolls,the milk man;first in the morning with adultered milk.One Raavan.Next come's the Vegetable Vendor,with rotten,but artificially coloured fresh items.Raavan 2.Electricity bill quadrapled,like always,mysteriously.Third.Adultered ghee is giving smell of a wash soap,four.Police man letting me free,learning my innocense only after pocketing 5 grand......A judge type sixth one asking to meet in the chamber......One raucous traffic constable hell bent on martyring himself under my wheel,unless i pay......Hey Ram,tell me,how many Raavana's to tackle.....and how to tame them....get rid of them!!! Anxiously waiting are 1.2 billion people,Please do remember. With great godly reverence to you,Hind Nivasi;Bharatvarsh;Kalyuga.

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